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This pack includes tests in the following topics:

  • Math: Basic Math, Numerical Reasoning and Numerical Series.
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Logical Reasoning (Inductive & Deductive)
  • Situational Judgement Tests
  • Personality Tests
  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Memory Tests
  • Error Checking
  • Grid Challenge & Switch Challenge

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Practice is essential for success in the Berke Assessment Test. The test is designed to measure an individual’s cognitive abilities, personality traits, and job-related skills. By practicing with sample questions and test simulations, you can familiarize yourself with the test format and types of questions, improving your confidence and performance on test day.

What is the Berke Assessment Test?

Berke Assessment Tests are customizable tests provided by the Berke Company and are designed to assess an applicant’s job success rate. The tests evaluate several areas of an applicant’s skills and abilities including personality, aptitude, problem-solving, and communication. Tests are tailored through Berke to match a specific company’s needs. This allows companies to design job-specific tests to choose the best candidates.

Berke’s Test Components: How Are Candidate’s Assessed?

As Berke’s tests are customizable to a company’s needs, candidates should keep this in mind and plan accordingly. Berke utilizes a core group of assessment areas. This includes personality, aptitude, and skills.


Berke’s personality assessment is intended to evaluate a candidate’s reactions and relationships in the workplace and their responses to real-life scenarios. This includes proficiency in communication, motivations, strengths and weaknesses, and emotional reasoning. Ultimately, pre-employment personality tests are intended to determine an applicant’s work ethic and compatibility with the job they are seeking to acquire. Berke’s personality assessment in particular differs from other pre-employment personality tests as it also predicts performance in the workplace based on the job.

Berke’s personality tests assess candidates based on seven key traits: adaptability, assertiveness, intensity, optimism, responsiveness, sociability, and structure. These traits are scaled depending on the company and position, meaning some traits may be more important for one job over another.

  • Adaptability: Candidates who are considered adaptable are proficient in communication and decision-making, while also being more empathetic and good team players.
  • Assertiveness: Assertive candidates are more likely to take control of difficult situations, lead projects, and take action without prompting. They are proactive and ambitious.
  • Intensity: Berke’s personality tests ranks candidates’ intensity based on how strongly they react to a hypothetical situation, particularly when the situation is difficult or challenging.
  • Optimism: Candidates described as optimistic are more likely to approach situations with a positive outlook.
  • Responsiveness: Responsive candidates are open and assertive in their opinions and feelings, and are more likely to be highly motivated.
  • Sociability: Berke considers sociable candidates based on their interactions with peers and coworkers, and value good communicators.
  • Structure: Candidates who are considered structured possess strong organizational skills and are detail-oriented, reliable, and good at time management.


Berke’s aptitude tests are designed to assess cognitive abilities. Like the personality test, the aptitude test is intended to predict job performance, and can tell a company how well a candidate is likely to adapt to the job and their ability to improve, as well as proficiency with problem-solving. Berke’s aptitude tests may assess either general or specific intelligence.

General aptitude tests focus primarily on numerical reasoning, basic verbal knowledge, and general reasoning, while specific aptitude tests narrow the focus to particular areas of intelligence. Specific aptitude tests are likely to be used for technical jobs in which candidates must possess skill-specific knowledge. Berke’s aptitude tests focus specifically on four areas:

  • Logical Problem Solving: Candidates possess the ability to work through complex, big-picture problems in an organized, concise way.
  • Rapid Problem Solving: Candidates are able to solve multiple problems of varying complexity in succession. They are often good multi-taskers and possess good intuition.
  • Spatial Visualization: Berke assesses a candidate’s ability to interact with objects in three dimensions, particularly with regards to tech.
  • Vocabulary: Candidates with a proficiency in vocabulary are also excellent communicators and adept at problem-solving.


Berke also offers assessment tests in various areas of particular skills to test an applicant’s strength in those areas, as well as their proficiency in skills they may have indicated on their resume. This includes skills regarding everyday activities, such as time management, communication, and leadership, as well as skill sets for specific types of jobs such as customer service or sales. Assessments vary, and may require a candidate to answer questions based on past experience in similar fields, or are more immersive, and require candidates to answer questions based on hypothetical scenarios or perform tasks as they would in real life.

Hiring Profile

Applicants who take the Berke assessment test will be evaluated based on several categories and at the end they will receive a hiring profile. The hiring profile is a comprehensive breakdown of a candidate’s skills separated into traits and the impact they have on a candidate’s job success.

These traits are broken down into “high,” “medium,” and “low” impact: these traits differ depending on the job and company a candidate is applying for. Berke also offers participant reports, which allows companies to share feedback with their employees in the interest of improving skills and addressing areas for greater development.

How do you pass the Berke Assessment?

Before taking a Berke Assessment Test, it’s important for a candidate to prepare beforehand. This includes practice, as well as an understanding of how the Berke assessments work. A candidate who enters into the test with the knowledge of what is expected of them, as well as knowledge of what areas they will be assessed in, is guaranteed to do better in the pre-employment assessment process. Practice tests in particular have a greater chance of improving a candidate’s scores, particularly in areas where a candidate might struggle.

Practicing for the Berke assessment tests also increases confidence during the process, which allows applicants to approach the tests with a clearer, calmer head. Prepare4Success has the tools a candidate needs to ace the Berke assessments, giving them a greater chance at success in achieving the job they are applying to.
